Elementary Program
Ages 6 – 12 years
The Cosmic Curriculum drives the Elementary Montessori classroom: lessons spiraling from the stories of the universe, life, and humankind. These lessons allow the child to discover their place in a beautiful, dynamic, and interdependent world and explore the possibilities of the role they play. This curriculum taps into the natural curiosity and social awareness that are awakened and refined during Montessori's second plane of development—inspiring motivated learners and proactive community members.
Daily Flow
8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. drop-off window
9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. work cycle
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m. lunch
12:30 p.m. - 1:30 p.m. outside playtime
1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. afternoon work cycle and specials
Work Period
The three-hour uninterrupted work cycle is fundamental to the Montessori elementary pedagogy. This period allows for:
children to work at their own pace
respecting children's unique learning styles
developing deep concentration
developing time management skills
extensive individual and small group instruction
contemplation, relaxation, and pauses to take it all in
There is a busy yet peaceful hum in the Montessori classroom communities, which is often very different for the new onlooker compared to a dominantly teacher-directed classroom environment. You are invited to come and do a scheduled "observation" in the classroom starting in the fall.
Free Outdoor Play
Nature play is for all ages of children. At Catskill Montessori School, the children are outside every day because there is no such thing as bad weather, just unsuitable clothing. It is vital that, daily, children have the opportunity to work, play, explore, and integrate cognitive development in nature. Research on children's disconnect from nature and its implications has described the simplest of solutions-- providing plenty of time outdoors reverses the issues separation from nature can cause.
Last Child in the Woods for more information
Elementary students explore a variety of afternoon classes that we call "specials" in Montessori, which include Earth Stewards, Fine Arts, Music, Physical Education, and Arts Electives (various music options and handwork). The Spanish language instruction happens inside the morning work cycle as a push-in style of instruction with small groups.
Fine Arts & Handwork
Fine arts classes are modeled after a classic art education with an in-depth session dedicated to color therapy, drawing, painting, sculpture, mixed media, and photography. Handwork is part of our afternoon arts elective offering, whereby students learn sewing, mending, fiber arts, knitting, crocheting, weaving, and more.
Spanish Language
In Spanish language class, the children explore language through Montessori materials and hands-on learning with songs, poems, music, food, and movement. Language classes start with listening comprehension and incorporate more expressive speaking practice as the child becomes more comfortable and proficient.
Earth Stewards
This class explores taking our place in the web of life as stewards of the Earth. The changing seasons guide our activities throughout the year as we cultivate a deeper relationship with the land that supports us. Whether planting seeds, harvesting crops, building and maintaining trails and shelters, or building fires and cooking together, earth stewardship calls us back to the essential knowledge uniting people throughout time: how to work in partnership with the Earth for the benefit of all.
Music and Music Electives
Students receive a whole group weekly music lesson and part of the afternoon art electives they can choose from chorus, ukelele, marimbas, or recorder lessons.
Physical Education
Our outdoor PE classes focus on the classics, cooperative games, and sportsmanship.

Please schedule a tour to start the admissions process for the upcoming school year. Please click here for admissions information.