Early Childhood Readiness

Enrolling your young child in school takes careful consideration, both from your family’s point of view and from the classroom community which they will be joining. Below, you’ll find some key indicators of school readiness that we will look for and for you to work toward with your child.

Please remember that if you are looking at this list in the winter and your child won’t start school until the fall, those months make up a large portion of their young lives! In other words, if your two-and-a-half-year-old is beginning their toileting independence journey in the spring and you are nervous about them being ready for the fall, there’s still plenty of time. 

  • Your child is out of diapers/pull-ups and can manage trips to the bathroom independently, including cleaning up.

  • Your child is able to properly feed themselves with utensils and can sit for a meal.

  • Your child can drink from a regular open cup (not a sippy, spout or straw cup).

  • Your child is able to play with or near other children.

  • Your child can respond to others with eye contact and communication.

  • Your child is able to tolerate small levels of frustration while working or playing.

  • Your child can successfully separate from you.

  • Your child is able to spend several hours a day interacting with small and large groups of children.

  • Your child is able to pay attention for short periods of time.

  • Your child has begun to take turns with others.

  • Your child can speak in complete sentences of at least 5–6 words.

  • Your child is beginning to develop independence and can dress and undress themselves.


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