Josie Moon Pelham
9-12-Year-Old Assistant Guide
Guiding children is guiding the future of Humanity. The ways in which we impact the lives of children directly affect the health of our societies and the way we live with one another on this beautiful planet.
I have been deeply integrated with children since a very young age. It began with leading my younger siblings and cousins in holiday theatrical performances, then many years babysitting and caregiving in both the USA and Europe, then finally, professionally teaching Theater, English, and Spanish.
After much exploration around the world, I returned to my home: the Catskill Mountains. Having been at CMS for a few years now, I can proudly say that I have nurtured many relationships with the children, as I have been blessed to work within every class at our school. At present, I have landed in the Luna Moth classroom, eager to begin a new chapter as an Upper Elementary Guide.
With the commitment I made long ago to be my authentic self, I hope to reflect the same in the children I work with. May we be unique, inspiring individuals with the courage to lift one another up and allow space for all to shine.